Satake Pikasen FMS2000-F Optical sorter received “Highly Commended” at The GRAPAS Award for Innovation 2018
Posted on Wed 11th Jul 2018

Milling & Grain magazine is Patron of the GRAPAS Awards for the cereal milling industries and announced the joint-winners at Victam Asia 2018's Reception which was held at the city's BITEC on the 27th of March.
In judging this year's nominations, the international judging panel gave weight to the criteria identified in the entry categories for equipment which is particularly applicable to use in cereal (wheat, rice, maize etc) milling, but could not separate the final three winners.
The features required are novel, have significant practical value and be of benefit to the user as well as being clear in terms of efficiency, safety, hygiene and cost effectiveness, say the judges.
Published by firstinternet
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